WordPress image size threshold

If you are having trouble uploading images that are larger than 2560px in height or in width this is the appropriate solution. Try not to install an external function to manipulate WordPress for simple overrides such as this.

WordPress image size threshold problem
Melbourne WordPress Developer Troubleshooting Code

Add the following code to functions.php

add_filter( 'big_image_size_threshold', '__return_false' );

Then re-adjust the WordPress Media Settings

Through the WordPress dashboard increase the settings for the maximum size of images to be uploaded.

  1. From the dashboard go to Settings > Media
  2. Over here increase the “Large size” settings to a maximum size, for example 9999px of Max Width and Max Height.
  3. Save changes

Using external plugins to adjust simple functions such as this can cause it to slow down. We try and develop our WordPress websites to be as lean as possible. If you require a professional and passionate Melbourne WordPress solution please talk to us today.