Tips on getting ready for your photoshoot

01. Dont worry!

Standing in front of the camera can be a scary experience for some, but it does not have to be. Nobody is going to get photos you don’t want them to see. So rest assured that if you do not approve the images, they won’t get passed onto other production themes to be used in marketing collateral. And we have all the SD cards and Flash power to keep clicking until we get it right.

We are always here If you need any help, even to help you select the right outfits or accessories for your photo shoot. I encourage you to develop your personal Brand. People who build their personal brands have a much higher chance of attracting new clients for their organisation and dramatically improving their career prospects.

02. Think about your Brand!

If you have not already, this is an excellent time to start thinking about the Brand and how you want to convey it visually. Explore the corporate Archetypes to see if your personality resonates strongly with any of them. Archetypes usually are used in Corporate Brands strategies, but they can also be a powerful tool to help you with your branding.

Ask yourself:

  • How do you want people to remember you?
  • Are you naturally funny?
  • Do you thrive on helping others? Do you want to be a tech genius?

Then ask yourself, how can I represent these things visually?

Your photographer will be keen for you to represent your Brand in the best way possible. You’ve heard of how the TV can add 10 pounds? Well, photos can remove your personality almost entirely. So the small things, such as your outfits, hairstyle and charisma, all contribute to the overall image you are trying to portray in your photos.

5 Tips To Improve Your First Impressions can help you develop your charisma which can often appear in buckets in your photographs.

03. Organise your look

This is one of those occasions where you do not want to neglect what you wear on the day.

Ironed clothing, clean shoes, well-groomed hairstyles, trimmed beards, and other grooming activities all play a critical role in how good you look in your photos.

Here are some great tips on how to dress to your body shape for men:

Here are some great tips on how to dress to your body shape for women:

04. Think about your posing!

Yes, practice makes perfect, and your photographer on the day of your shoot will direct you on the day of your shoot. It’s also best you practice some posing before the day of your shoot.

Here are a couple of inspirational videos to help you with your photoshoot posing: