9 Ways You Could be Losing Website Traffic and Customers

disappointed by losing website traffic
Disappointed by losing website traffic

The main reason your business has a website is to generate traffic and leads, instead, it could be losing traffic instead. Your visitors take only 0.05 seconds to form an opinion about your business according to research conducted by SWEOR.

Generally, through the increase of website traffic comes more leads to your business. So it makes sense that one of the main goals of a website design should be to decrease the bounce rate and increase the time a visitor stays on the website.

According to our Melbourne web design company associates, here are nine different ways that your website could be losing traffic and potentially losing customers.

1. Your web site is not mobile friendly or responsive

According to Statista, there were 4.66 billion active internet users in January of 2021. Of this total, 92.6% (4.32 billion) surf the internet using mobile devices. The enormous number of mobile users comes as no surprise, as mobile provides much more accessible access to the internet than desktop devices.

Based on these statistics, it is paramount that your website design be responsive or designed using mobile-first principles to satisfy mobile internet users. The easier it is for mobile internet users to navigate your website, the longer they will stay and start to trust your brand.

2. Your web site uses complicated URL’s

You will likely have little traffic if your website uses highly complex URL’s. And that goes for your brand name too.

One of the critical reasons brands such as SLACK, NIKE or GUCCI have many website visitors is not because their brands have been around for a long time but because they own short domains that sound just like their brands. The same goes for your email addresses.

So keeping your domain name, email addresses, and links short will always be easy for your website visitors to remember.

As a Melbourne brand management company, we take this approach when creating all our digital assets.

3. Your website has annoying pop-ups

Pop-ups often seem like a good idea. Sometimes, it converts a site visitor into a buying customer, but they can often be an annoyance for new customers landing on the website.

There are many other effective ways to advertise specials or newsletter sign-ups other than using pop-ups.

4. Your website loads too slowly

Listed as the number four here, this should be the number one reason website visitors leave a website.
Nothing puts website users of more than having a slow loading site. Mobile users, in particular, who are always in a rush to find information, will be put off by slow loading pages or websites.

As a professional Melbourne web design company, we take every measure to ensure our customer website loads as fast as possible. Our dedicated Melbourne WordPress Developers constantly strive to build lighter, more efficient WordPress templates so our client websites can load that much quicker.

5. Your website uses Low-quality image

Visual elements make a website engaging and creative. Apart from attracting visitors, they also serve as visual aids for conveying messages. As they say, a picture says a thousand words.

A low-quality image might give the wrong impression to website visitors, especially those looking for quality products. A picture cannot be too large either, as it will slow down a website and hurt its SEO ranking. Finding that sweet spot where the quality of your image is just right at an acceptable size is not hard to do.

6. No search menu could be losing website traffic

Without Search functionality on your website, visitors are bound to get lost and geting lost from the website.

The quickest way for anyone to find things on your website is to have search functionality that will help them find topics or pages easily. Our WordPress web developers use the inbuilt WordPress search engine to build very effective searches in their templates.

7. Your website has poor navigation

A properly designed website should have excellent navigation. If your website lacks a defined path to your business offerings, visitors will get frustrated and leave.

Use call to action (CTA) buttons in appropriate sections of your website to encourage click-through. All menus should be minimalistic, descriptive and apparent.

8. Outdated web design

More than 50% of small business providers have outdated websites, and they wonder why they cannot compete with brands that spend so much on design. Great design does not have to be expensive; unfortunately, being an innovative company in 2021 means spending money on creative digital marketing.

At our Melbourne web design studio, we always reinforce that a great website design adds tremendous value to its corporate branding.

9. Your website has no contact Information

If you run an online shop or a B2B services business, having an obvious contact us button shows that you are a “customer first” company.

Even if they do not use the button, it subconsciously increases the trust between your business and a new prospect visiting your website.

We all know what customer-first companies like Amazon can achieve, so why not do the same.

Take your website to the next level and stop losing website traffic by avoiding these 9 pitfalls.

If you need a professional Melbourne website design company, we would love to help. Please book an appointment with us today to get an obligation free quote.