10 key things to consider when asking a client to endorse your product or services

When asking for a public endorsement from one of your clients, it’s essential to approach the request strategically and respectfully to ensure a positive response.

Here are key things to consider and ask for:

  1. Permission: Before requesting an endorsement, ensure you have your client’s explicit consent to approach them.
  2. Dont force it: Ensure that the endorsement aligns with both your client’s values and your brand’s values. An endorsement that feels forced or insincere can do more harm than good.
  3. What are they endorsing?: Clearly explain why you’re seeking their endorsement and how it will benefit both parties. Outline the specific project, product, or initiative you want them to endorse.
  4. Authenticity: Encourage them to speak genuinely about their experience with your brand, product, or service. Authenticity resonates more with the audience.
  5. Target Audience: Discuss the target audience for the endorsement and whether their endorsement will effectively reach that demographic. Understanding the audience will help tailor an effective message.
  6. Time Commitment: Determine the level of involvement your client is comfortable with regarding the endorsement. Are they willing to provide a
    • Written testimonial,
    • Participate in a video endorsement,
    • Attend an event, or
    • Share a social media post?
    • Can it be all of the above?
  7. Media Channels: Determine the channels through which the endorsement will be shared. This could include social media, your website, email newsletters, or press releases. Also make them aware of the potential timeline that this endorsement will be active via the appropriate channels.
  8. Compensation: Discuss whether there will be any compensation or incentives for their endorsement. This can include financial compensation, product discounts, or cross-promotional opportunities.
  9. Legal Considerations: Consult with legal experts to ensure that the endorsement complies with advertising and endorsement guidelines and doesn’t expose your client to legal risks.
  10. Measurement and Analytics: Explain how you plan to measure the impact of their endorsement, whether through engagement metrics, website traffic, or sales data. This demonstrates the value of their involvement.

Remember that building a positive and respectful relationship with your client is key to securing a public endorsement. Approach the request with their interests in mind, and be flexible and accommodating to their needs and preferences.