It is only of late, largely due to Googl’s SSL requirements that we have been encrypting most of the websites we are working on, even the non e-commerce ones.
And that’s when we came across Lets Encrypt which is rapidly becoming very popular because it is effective and completely FREE for the public use. “Let’s Encrypt is a free, automated, and open certificate authority (CA), run for the public’s benefit” – source:
There is one downside to Lets Encrypt vs a conventionally paid SSL certificate. A paid SSL certificate normally comes with a warranty starting from $10,000 and upwards. Let’s encrypt as it is an open source encryption tool will not have the cover offered by a paid professional SSL certificate. Therefore we would advise that if you are running an e-commerce store to always use a paid SSL certificate from a trusted provider.
Let’s encrypt are now freely available via our preferred hosting providers and if we have built your website in the last 12 months get in touch about securing your data with Lets Encrypt.